Vacancy Circular No. | Service | Title | No. of Posts | Issue Date | Closing Date | Status | Remarks |
HRIDC/2025/01 |
As per Vacancy Notice | Application for the post of Director (Project & Plannins) on Deputation Basis in Harvana Rail infrastructure Development Corooration Ltd. (HRIDC) |
01 |
13.01.2025 |
11.03.2025 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2024/19 |
As per Vacancy Notice | Filling up the post of CAO/Sr. Accounts Officer in HRIDC On Deputation |
01 |
18.12.2024 |
16.01.2025 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2024/18 |
As per Vacancy Notice | Filling up the post of General Manager/Finance in Haryana Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (HRIDC) on Deputation Basis |
01 |
16.12.2024 |
15.01.2025 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2024/17 |
As per Vacancy Notice | Filling up the post of Director/BD&F on Deputation Basis |
01 |
13.12.2024 |
03.01.2025 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2024/16 |
As per Vacancy Notice | Application for the post of Advisor (Civil Engineering & Safety) in Haryana Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (HRIDC) on Part Time Basis. |
01 |
11.12.2024 |
26.12.2024 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2024/15 |
Asper Vacancy Notice | For the Post of Executive/General on Contract basis at anywhere in the State of Haryana |
02 |
28.06.2024 |
31.07.2024 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2024/14 |
Asper Vacancy Notice | For the Post of Executive (Finance) on Contract basis at anywhere in the State of Haryana |
02 |
28.06.2024 |
31.07.2024 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2024/13 |
Asper Vacancy Notice | For the Post of Assistant Manager (Finance) in IDA pay scale on contract basis at Gurugram |
01 |
28.06.2024 |
31.07.2024 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2024/12 |
Asper Vacancy Notice | For the Post of Assistant Manager (Drawing & Design) in IDA pay scale on contract basis at Gurugram |
03 |
28.06.2024 |
31.07.2024 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2024/11 |
Asper Vacancy Notice | For the Post of Executive (IT) on Contract basis at anywhere in the State of Haryana |
02 |
24.06.2024 |
31.07.2024 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2024/10 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the Post of Executive/Electrical and S&T on Contract basis at anywhere in the State of Haryana | 02 | 24.06.2024 | 31.07.2024 | Closed |
HRIDC/2024/09 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the Post of Executive/Civil on Contract basis at any where in the State of Haryana | 08 | 24.06.2024 | 31.07.2024 | Closed |
HRIDC/2024/08 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the Post of Assistant Manager (General) in IDA pay scale on contract basisat Gurugram | 04 | 24.06.2024 | 31.07.2024 | Closed |
HRIDC/2024/07 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the Post of Manager (IT) in IDA pay scale on contract basisat Gurugram | 02 | 24.06.2024 | 31.07.2024 | Closed |
HRIDC/2024/06 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the Post of DGM/Civil & Electrical in IDA pay scale on contract basis at Gurugram | 04 | 24.06.2024 | 31.07.2024 | Closed |
HRIDC/2024/02 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the post of GGM/Operations and S&T on reengagement Basis at Gurugram. |
01 |
16.02.2024 |
08.03.2024 |
Closed | |
HRIDC/2024/01 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the post of DGM/Civil at Gurugram on contract basis. |
02 |
05.01.2024 |
04.02.2024 |
Closed | None was found eligible for the interview |
HRIDC/2023/10 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the post of AM/Legal on contract basis. |
1 |
14.11.2023 |
30.11.2023 |
Closed | Selection Process annulled due to administrative reasons |
HRIDC/2023/09 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the post of DGM/Civil at Gurugram on contract basis. |
02 |
28.07.2023 |
28.08.2023 |
Closed | None was found eligible for interview. |
HRIDC/2023/08 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the post of DGM S&T at Gurugram on contract basis. |
01 |
16.06.2023 |
15.07.2023 |
Closed | |
HRIDC/2023/07 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the post of AM/Civil on contract basis. |
16 |
17.05.2023 |
16.06.2023 |
Closed | |
HRIDC/2023/06 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the post of GM/Infra S&T Gurugram on Deputation Basis |
01 |
27.04.2023 |
11.05.2023 |
Closed | |
HRIDC/2023/05 | As per Vacancy Notice |
For the post of DGM/Infrastructure Civil/ Electrical/ S&T/Tunnel at Gurugram on contract basis. |
05 |
22.03.2023 |
13.04.2023 |
Closed | |
HRIDC/2023/02 | As per Vacancy Notice |
For the post of GM/Infrastructure Civil at Chandigarh/Gurugram on Deputation Basis |
03 |
22.02.2023 |
21.03.2023 |
Closed | |
HRIDC/2023/03 | As per Vacancy Notice |
For the post of GM/Infrastructure S&T at Chandigarh/Gurugramon Deputation Basis |
01 |
22.02.2023 |
21.03.2023 |
Closed | |
HRIDC/2023/04 | As per Vacancy Notice |
For the post of GM/Infrastructure BD&CC at Chandigarh/Gurugram on Deputation Basis |
01 |
22.02.2023 |
21.03.2023 |
Closed | |
HRIDC/2023/01 | As per Vacancy Notice | 28 |
09.02.2023 |
11.03.2023 |
Closed | ||
HRIDC/2022/7 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the post of OSD/MD Cum Protocol Officer at Gurugram on Deputation Basis |
01 |
28.10.2022 |
27.11.2022 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2022/6 | As per Vacancy Notice | For the post of GM/Infrastructure at Gurugram/Chandigarh on Deputation Basis |
04 |
14.10.2022 |
13.11.2022 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2022/05 | As per Vacancy Notice | Assistant Manager (OHE) on deputation Basis |
01 |
28.9.2022 |
27.10.2022 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2022/04 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the post of Manager (Accounts and Finance) on deputation basis in HRIDC at Chandigarh |
01 |
20.06.2022 |
19.07.2022 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2022/03 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the post of Additional General Manager (Property Development) on Contractual basis in HRIDC. |
01 |
17.05.2022 |
15.06.2022 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2022/02 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the post of General Manager (Infrastructure) on Deputation basis. |
04 |
20.04.2022 |
19.05.2022 |
Closed |
HRIDC/2022/01 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the post of Joint General Manager/ Dy. General Manager (S&T) on Deputation basis. |
01 |
15.03.2022 |
14.04.2022 |
Closed |
OM-23/2022 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the post of Advisor (Techincal/ Bridges & Tunnels) on Re-Engagement Basis |
01 |
20.01.2022 |
05.02.2022 |
Closed |
OM-22/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the post of Executive (Civil) on Contract basis at Gurugram |
04 |
29.10.2021 |
15.12.2021 |
Closed |
OM-21/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Advisor (Business Development) from retired officers on re-engagement basis at Gurugram. |
01 |
14.09.2021 |
05.10.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/35/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Managing Director on Deputation basis. |
01 |
31.08.2021 |
30.09.2021 |
Closed |
Corrigendum-I |
OM-20/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Executive (Corporate Coordination) on contract basis at Gurugram/Chandigarh. |
01 |
26.07.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/34/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of General Manager (Civil) on Deputation/ Immediate absorption basis at Gurugram. |
01 |
23.07.2021 |
22.08.2021 |
Closed |
Corrigendum-I |
OM-19/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Assistant Manager (Electrical) on contract basis at Gurugram. |
01 |
15.07.2021 |
14.08.2021 |
Closed |
OM-18/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Senior Executive (Electrical) on contract basis at Gurugram. |
01 |
15.07.2021 |
14.08.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/33/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Assistant Manager (Civil, Electrical & S&T) on Deputation basis/ Immediate Absorption at Gurugram. |
08 |
29.06.2021 |
28.07.2021 |
Closed |
OM-17/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Executive (Finance) on contract basis at Gurugram. |
01 |
02.06.2021 |
01.07.2021 |
Closed |
OM-16/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Manager (Finance) on contract basis at Gurugram. |
01 |
02.06.2021 |
01.07.2021 |
Closed |
OM-15/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Assistant Manager (Human Resource) on contract basis at Gurugram. |
01 |
02.06.2021 |
01.07.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/32/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the post of Assistant Manager (Civil, Electrical & S&T) on Deputation basis/ Permanent Absorption at Gurugram. |
08 |
25.05.2021 |
24.06.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/31/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the post of Dy. General Manager (Personnel & Administration) on Deputation basis at Gurugram. |
01 |
25.05.2021 |
08.07.2021 |
Closed |
Corrigendum-I |
HRIDC/30/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the post of Additional General Manager/ Joint General Manager/ Dy. General Manager (Finance) on Deputation/ Immediate apsorption basis at Gurugram |
01 |
25.05.2021 |
08.07.2021 |
Closed |
Corrigendum-I Corrigendum-II |
HRIDC/29/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice |
Vacancy Notice for the post of Dy. Chief Project Manager (Engineering and S&T) & Dy. General Manager (Engineering and S&T) on Deputation basis/ Permanent absorption basis at Gurugram. |
06 |
25.05.2021 |
31.07.2021 |
Closed |
Corrigendum-I Corrigendum-II Corrigendum-III |
OM-14/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Assistant Manager / Civil / Planning on contract basis at Gurugram |
01 |
09.04.2021 |
08.05.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/28/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of DGM (Civil) at Gurugram on Deputation basis. |
02 |
06.04.2021 |
15.05.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/27/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of DGM (Civil-Design) and DGM (Civil) at Gurugram on immediate absorption basis. |
02 |
06.04.2021 |
15.05.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/26/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of DGM (HR) at Chandigarh on Deputation Basis. |
01 |
01.04.2021 |
30.04.2021 |
Closed (Post withdrawn due to administrative reasons) |
OM-12/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Company Secretary at Chandigarh on Contract Basis. |
01 |
10.03.2021 |
09.04.2021 |
Closed |
OM-13/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Manager (Operations & Maintenance at Gurugram on Contract Basis. |
01 |
10.03.2021 |
09.04.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/25/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Assistant Manager/Manager (Accounts/Finance) at Gurugram on Deputation Basis. |
01 |
09.03.2021 |
08.04.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/24/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Assistant Manager (Works, P. Way, Electrical And S&T) at Gurugram and Kurukshetra on Deputation Basis. |
05 |
09.03.2021 |
08.04.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/23/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Assistant Manager/Manager (Accounts/Finance) at Chandigarh on Deputation Basis. |
01 |
14.01.2021 |
15.03.2021 |
Closed |
Corrigendum-I |
HRIDC/22/2021 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of General Manager (Projects) at Chandigarh on Deputation Basis. |
01 |
11.01.2021 |
28.02.2021 |
Closed |
HRIDC/21/2020 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Dy. Chief Project Manager (Engineering) at Gurugram on Deputation Basis. |
01 |
25.11.2020 |
23.01.2021 |
Closed |
Corrigendum-I |
OM-11/2020 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the Post of Executive (Civil) & Senior Executive (Human Resource) on Contract Basis at Gurugram and Chandigarh. |
04 |
06.11.2020 |
05.12.2020 |
Closed |
OM-10/2020 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the Post of Senior Executive (Civil, Human Resource) & Executive Assistant on Contract Basis at Gurugram and Chandigarh. |
03 |
16.09.2020 |
06.10.2020 |
Closed |
Corrigendum-I |
HRIDC/20/2020 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the Post of Deputy General Manager (Finance) at Chandigarh on Deputation basis. |
01 |
07.09.2020 |
06.10.2020 |
Closed |
- |
OM-09/2020 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy Notice for the Post of Additional General Manager (Traffic Planning & Business Development) On Contract Basis at Gurugram. |
01 |
04.09.2020 |
03.10.2020 |
Closed |
- |
HRIDC/19/2020 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Chief Project Manager and DY. Chief Project Manager (Engineering and S&T) at Gurugram on Deputation Basis. |
03 |
27.08.2020 |
03.10.2020 |
Closed |
Corrigendum-I |
HRIDC-18/2020 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Director (Project & Planning) at Chandigarh on Deputation basis. |
01 |
24.08.2020 |
30.09.2020 |
Closed |
- |
HRIDC/17-2020 | As per Vacancy Notice | Vacancy notice for the post of Assistant Manager (Work, P. Way, Electrical, S&T and Traffic) at Gurugram on Deputation basis. |
06 |
11.08.2020 |
10.10.2020 |
Closed |
Corrigendum 1 |
OM-08/2020 | As per Vacancy Notice | Walk-in-interview for engaging the services of Sr. Executive (Civil), Executive (Civil/Electrical) & Executive Assistant |
01 |
06.03.2020 |
27.08.2020 |
Closed |
Corrigendum C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 Date of Interview: 27.08.2020 Time: 11:00 AM |
OM-07/2020 | As per Vacancy Notice | Deputy General Manager (Finance) on contract basis at Chandigarh/Gurugram |
01 |
06.02.2020 |
26.06.2020 |
Closed |
HRIDC/16/2020 | As per Vacancy Notice | Deputy General Manager (Electrical) on deputation at Gurugram |
01 |
22.06.2020 |
21.07.2020 |
Closed |
— |
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